Cherry | Cherry is a true beauty inside and out without even realizing it. She is always happy, even in the toughest of times. She will bring a smile to anyone’s face as she is always laughing or trying to make others happy by letting them cuddle her favorite lamb plush.
Owner: beddiz #51816 |
Cidea | Cidea is the mysterious pup. No one ever knows what she is thinking or up to. She likes to keep it that way too. Many like to tell Cidea their secrets because she is so good at keeping them quiet and is a great listener.
Owner: jilldawg #939964 |
Kasper | Kasper is the eccentric and bubbly pup. Many find him odd and hard to relate to at first but once they get to know his caring and happy go lucky nature they adore him. Kasper is a really good judge of character and only keeps those who respect him close.
Owner: Kessler #1016159 |
Kaisa | Kaisa is the stealthy, trickster of the bunch. She spends most of her time plotting pranks and finding ways to spook her siblings. It doesn’t take much as her clouds seem quite ghostly. At the end of the day Kaisa is just as sweet as the rest of the bunch and often times you will find yourself laughing at her clever antics.
Owner: none yet. |
Calina | Calina means “beautiful flower” which perfectly describes this pup. Calina’s presence brings a certain awe and calm, even to the most hard up. Calina is a true peace keeper, always ready to diffuse any sort of tense situation. Calina spends most of her time in fields and butterfly gardens, they are naturally drawn to her strong and sweet smelling lotus flower and sense of calm and peace.
Owner: none yet |
Caltha | Caltha is the mother hen. She strives to be just like Karamallo and is always trying to put everyone in their place. She treats her chick plush like her own child. Caltha has a very nuturing soul and can’t wait to just grow up.
Owner: Harii #386555 |
Caper | Caper is Mr Congeniality. He loves meeting new friends and will start up a conversation with anyone he can. Caper is very easy to talk to and accepts and loves everyone for who they are.
Owner: none yet |
Cherokee | Cherokee is always up for an adventure! He can’t sit still for 5 minutes and is always itching to go onto the next thing. He is fearless and often times like to go new places by himself as he finds others slow him down.
Owner: airborne ~ #263763 |
Conway | Conway is very shy. He does not like big crowds and prefers a relaxed environment. He is a botanist at heart and keeps lady bugs to protect his precious gardens. Once Conway is out of his shell is very talkative though still very calm and reserved.
Owner: none yet |
Csepel | Csepel means “young forest”. Csepel is always in the forest, enjoying and protecting nature. Csepel feels he is one with the forest which sometimes makes him appear feral though he really is a sweet guy. Csepel is truly stunning, during the four seasons his leaves change offering a captivating display to onlookers.
Owner: ~Caz~ #11111 |
Kaitlyn | Kaitlyn is a true girly girl. She is a major gossip and likes to paint her nails and shop for pretty collars and bandanas. She is repulsed by her brothers collections of insect plushies and prefers to play with her squeaky toy that resembles her favorite candies, peeps!
Owner: HuskiesMoon #1021815 |
Kalika | Kalika is a romantic at heart. She loves to cuddle with her plush or anything she can. She is often found in rose gardens writing love letters and day dreaming about her future Prince Charming.
Owner: none yet |
Kevin | Kevin is the most lively and energetic pup. He loves to chase squirrels and could run for days. Kevin can often be found in parks and running trails with his squirrel plush looking for real squirrels to race.
Owner: eve! #23864 |
Kou | Kou is like a bull in a china shop! He loves to rough house and is quite clumsy. Luckily Kou adores eating so all that is needed to settle him down, and protect your precious antiques, is a nice warm meal.
Owner: misfit. #780844 |
Khloe | Khloe is a big goofball, often referred to as the clown of the litter. She is always making others laugh with her silly nature. Autumn is her favourite season, she loves dashing through the leaves, throwing her plushie in a pile and trying to find it.
Owner: HuskiesMoon #1021815 |
Kophi | Kophi is a bit of a science buff. He is always trying new experiments often times just making a mess. One of his favorite past times is trying to create insect farms. He hopes to create a giant army of bugs one day.
Owner: eve! #23864 |